Price: $310.00

    Code: 1813

    Directed by Bob Gliner
    1994, color, 60 mins.
    Purchase: $310 Rental: $125

    Focuses on the Russian city of Ekaterinburg as a case-study illustration of the former Soviet Union's difficult transition from a socialist to a capitalist economy. This attempted conversion has devastated this former Soviet center of defense-related industries, whose factories, research institutes and universities depend on government support, leaving the city in economic, social and political turmoil.

    In revealing interviews, a wide range of Ekaterinburg's citizens--including businesspeople, politicians, scientists, educator,students and artists--discuss the economic situation, the housing shortage, defense conversion, the impact on education on education and scientific research, politics and democracy, and the rising crime rate. In a provocative twist, this survey of Russia's current social ills is compared to similar problems affecting Ekaterinburg's 'sister city,' another Silicon Valley location, San Jose, California. This comparison illuminates wide- ranging social dilemmas that confront both Russia and America today and how the two societies can learn from each other.

    Subjects & Collections