UNDER FIRE: Soviet Women Combat Veterans Of World War II

Price: $210.00 Code: 2173 |
Produced and Directed by: Noel Julnes-Dehner
2005, 27 mins.
Purchase: $210 Classroom Rental: $55
Over 800,000 women and girls were mobilized in the Soviet Union, the largest mobilization of women and girls in history. Their jobs included sniper, signaler, frontline doctor and nurse, pilot, and communications, among others.
Under Fire captures powerful first-person accounts by five decorated Soviet women as they describe stepping into a man's world and fighting amid blood and death. Unlike most war documentaries, Under Fire concentrates on women, their sensory descriptions of what combat is really like, and their reflections upon those years.
“Oral records such as these bring a personal touch to the study of history and deserve a place in most library collections.” – School Library Journal
"A serious work on a serious theme, but also a work that is as truly engaging as it is inspiring." - Fred Starr, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute
2005, 27 mins.
Purchase: $210 Classroom Rental: $55
Over 800,000 women and girls were mobilized in the Soviet Union, the largest mobilization of women and girls in history. Their jobs included sniper, signaler, frontline doctor and nurse, pilot, and communications, among others.
Under Fire captures powerful first-person accounts by five decorated Soviet women as they describe stepping into a man's world and fighting amid blood and death. Unlike most war documentaries, Under Fire concentrates on women, their sensory descriptions of what combat is really like, and their reflections upon those years.
Subjects & Collections
“Highly Recommended! All in all a top-notch production” - Educational Media Reviews Online“Oral records such as these bring a personal touch to the study of history and deserve a place in most library collections.” – School Library Journal
"A serious work on a serious theme, but also a work that is as truly engaging as it is inspiring." - Fred Starr, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute