Price: $79.95 Code: 1837 |
Directed by Ron Myrvik
1999, 62 mins.
Purchase: $79.95
The 1950 debut of Eugene Ionesco's The Bald Soprano, a "mixture of social satire, Alice in Wonderland-type logic, verbal delirium and surrealist farce," stirred a sensation in Paris. For the fiftieth anniversary of the Theater of the Absurd's founding work, the piece has been adapted by The Center for Contemporary Opera into a delightful comic opera in English.
—Library Journal
1999, 62 mins.
Purchase: $79.95
The 1950 debut of Eugene Ionesco's The Bald Soprano, a "mixture of social satire, Alice in Wonderland-type logic, verbal delirium and surrealist farce," stirred a sensation in Paris. For the fiftieth anniversary of the Theater of the Absurd's founding work, the piece has been adapted by The Center for Contemporary Opera into a delightful comic opera in English.
Subjects & Collections
Festivals & Awards
Finalist, TELLY AwardsReviews
"Recommended for special music collections."—Library Journal