Price: $310.00 Code: 1395 |
A compelling investigation of the trauma of rape, portraying the aftermath of a rape and
the work of the Rape Crisis Center in Austin, Texas. Skillfully blending dramatic narrative
with documentary footage, and intermingling actors in dramatic scenes with real-life
police, prosecutors, doctors, nurses and Rape Crisis Center workers, the film focuses on
the experience of the rape victim, the interrogation of the accused rapist, and a classroom
training session for volunteer counselors at the Rape Crisis Center.
Directed by Gary T. McDonald
1983, 87 minutes
Purchase: $310 Classroom Rental: $125
* Best Feature Documentary, Athens Film Festival
**Highly Recommended "...useful in college courses on sexuality, abnormal behavior, sex roles, and counseling and will serve as a useful training film in hospital and clinic settings."--Science Books & Films