Price: $310.00 Code: 1525 |
Profiles the members of a Second Generation group of children of Holocaust survivors
who openly discuss the impact of the Holocaust on their lives and the need to
communicate with their parents. Interwoven throughout the film, in addition to
emotionally moving family scenes, are interviews with psychologists, authors and
Directed by Edward A. Mason
1984, 58 minutes
Purchase: $310 Classroom Rental: $125
* Blue Ribbon, American Film Festival * First Prize, National Council on Family Relations Film Festival "...very powerful...explores with sensitivity and insight...superior for curriculum uses in studies of family relations, psychology and sociology. Highly recommended."-- Library Journal
Directed by Edward A. Mason
1984, 58 minutes
Purchase: $310 Classroom Rental: $125
* Blue Ribbon, American Film Festival * First Prize, National Council on Family Relations Film Festival "...very powerful...explores with sensitivity and insight...superior for curriculum uses in studies of family relations, psychology and sociology. Highly recommended."-- Library Journal
"...a moving and thought-provoking film because the intergenerational gap is universal. The film is useful not only for those studying the Holocaust, but for family relations, psychology, and mental health."--Media & Methods