Price: $99.95 Code: 1587 |
This video portrait of John "Bob" Stockwell, the son of Protestant missionaries, a former
Marine Corps officer and corporate manager, reveals the planning and shaping of a CIA
covert operation by focusing on his efforts to overthrow the newly-installed MPLA
government in Angola in 1975. We see footage of the Cuban army in Angola, Stockwell
dealing with his agents, including Jonas Savimbi of UNITA, and also see the CIA conduct
surveillance on a U.S. Senator who is investigating the agency's involvement in Africa. In
interviews, Stockwell discusses his subsequent disillusionment with the CIA and how he
became a 'whistleblower' to expose the agency's corrupt and immoral activities.
Directed by Saul Landau
1975, 30 minutes
Purchase: $99.95
Directed by Saul Landau
1975, 30 minutes
Purchase: $99.95