Price: $265.00 Code: 1658 |
Interweaves the stories of six women who were profoundly affected by the choices
available to them prior to the legalization of abortion. The influence of family, friends, and
the prevailing sexual mores of the period are explored through each woman's discussion of
her pregnancy and sense of choice. Three of the women recount their stories of
relinquishment and its lingering emotional consequences, while the other three discuss
their experiences with illegal abortion.
Directed by Stephanie Hill
1993, 30 minutes,
Purchase: $265 Classroom Rental: $50
Directed by Stephanie Hill
1993, 30 minutes,
Purchase: $265 Classroom Rental: $50
* Gold Apple, National Educational Film and Video Festival
* Gold Medal Student Academy Awards
* Silver Plaque Chicago International Film Festival
***** Excellent/Superior in Every Respect/A "Must-Have" for Libraries
"...excellent...Far beyond being simply a pro-choice video, this production's message is to promote an understanding and a reconciliation with the past...highly recommended for general high school, college, and adult audiences as well as for use in abortion counseling."--Video Rating Guide for Libraries