Price: $210.00 Code: 1672 |
Examines the West African religious institution of trokosi, where young women are
chosen to serve an indefinite period of servitude for crimes committed long ago by their
grandparents and even great-grandparents. The young women, some of them no more than
children, perform domestic chores for the cult's priests and, as virgins, they must also
submit sexually to the priests-thus becoming trokosi, or a wife of the gods--and have
their children. The video features interviews with the young women as well as the priests
and discusses the nature of the controversy surrounding the continuation of this practice
Directed by Kofi Boateng
1994, 25 minutes
Purchase: $210 Classroom Rental: $50
Directed by Kofi Boateng
1994, 25 minutes
Purchase: $210 Classroom Rental: $50