Price: $310.00 Code: 1905 |
Directed by Jörg Fockele
1998, 50 mins.
Purchase: $310 Classroom Rental: $125
This video profiles four young people at the Hetrick-Martin Institute in New York, which supports lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual youth. In outspoken interviews, Charly, a 16-year-old gay Dominican, Peachy, a 20-year-old African-American lesbian, Angel, a 20-year-old transgendered Latina/o, and Maxx, a 16-year-old gay Latino, offer their views about gay community, sexual and personal identities, and growing up queer at the turn of the millennium. These interviews are blended with music videos they have produced to display a part of themselves that others don't usually get to see. By creatively expressing their active imaginations, each youngster brings his or her inner life to the surface, enabling them to rewrite society's rules.
1998, 50 mins.
Purchase: $310 Classroom Rental: $125
This video profiles four young people at the Hetrick-Martin Institute in New York, which supports lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual youth. In outspoken interviews, Charly, a 16-year-old gay Dominican, Peachy, a 20-year-old African-American lesbian, Angel, a 20-year-old transgendered Latina/o, and Maxx, a 16-year-old gay Latino, offer their views about gay community, sexual and personal identities, and growing up queer at the turn of the millennium. These interviews are blended with music videos they have produced to display a part of themselves that others don't usually get to see. By creatively expressing their active imaginations, each youngster brings his or her inner life to the surface, enabling them to rewrite society's rules.