MYSTIC VOICES: the story of the pequot war

Price: $310.00 Code: 2152 |
Produced and directed by Guy Perrotta, Charles Clemmons
2005, 116 minutes
Purchase: $310 Classroom Rental: $125
*For home video pricing, please call 800-723-5522
What led to the first declared war in America? Why is the slaughter seldom talked about?
In May 1637, English Puritan colonists torch a Pequot Indian village at Missituck (Mystic), Connecticut, massacring 400-700 men, women and children in less than an hour.
Pequots are forbidden to use their tribal name and are subjugated to other Native Tribes allied with the English. With the help of sympathetic English leaders, they eventually are able to reestablish their own communities, which become the first Indian reservations in America.
Narrated in part by Roy Scheider, Mystic Voices tells the story of a pivotal event in the early history of the Colonial America that set the stage for the ultimate domination of Native Peoples by European settlers. Although this seldom told story was a small conflict by today's standards, the Puritans' rhetoric made their victory over the "heathens" a significant factor in the formulation of Colonial/American Indian policy over the next three centuries. Mystic Voices tells the story of this tragedy and presents viewpoints of historians and Native descendants as it investigates the underlying causes and legacy of the first declared war in America.
Boston/New England Region for:
Outstanding Achievement - Program Writing
Outstanding Achievement - Documentary Program
“Bringing to life an unfortunate, overlooked event relegated to a brief mention in any introductory American history text, Mystic Voices succeeds in changing the direction of discussion of early American colonization. The audio and visual quality is excellent as is the artwork, maps and dramatizations. Highly recommended.” - Educational Media Reviews Online
2005, 116 minutes
Purchase: $310 Classroom Rental: $125
*For home video pricing, please call 800-723-5522
What led to the first declared war in America? Why is the slaughter seldom talked about?
In May 1637, English Puritan colonists torch a Pequot Indian village at Missituck (Mystic), Connecticut, massacring 400-700 men, women and children in less than an hour.
Pequots are forbidden to use their tribal name and are subjugated to other Native Tribes allied with the English. With the help of sympathetic English leaders, they eventually are able to reestablish their own communities, which become the first Indian reservations in America.
Narrated in part by Roy Scheider, Mystic Voices tells the story of a pivotal event in the early history of the Colonial America that set the stage for the ultimate domination of Native Peoples by European settlers. Although this seldom told story was a small conflict by today's standards, the Puritans' rhetoric made their victory over the "heathens" a significant factor in the formulation of Colonial/American Indian policy over the next three centuries. Mystic Voices tells the story of this tragedy and presents viewpoints of historians and Native descendants as it investigates the underlying causes and legacy of the first declared war in America.
Subjects & Collections
Festivals & Awards
The National Television Academy / Emmy® Awards WinnerBoston/New England Region for:
Outstanding Achievement - Program Writing
Outstanding Achievement - Documentary Program
"[Four Stars] Editor's Choice. A must for libraries in New England, this is highly recommended elsewhere." - Video Librarian“Bringing to life an unfortunate, overlooked event relegated to a brief mention in any introductory American history text, Mystic Voices succeeds in changing the direction of discussion of early American colonization. The audio and visual quality is excellent as is the artwork, maps and dramatizations. Highly recommended.” - Educational Media Reviews Online
“This beautifully produced documentary provides a superb telling of the often tumultuous relationship between the European settlers and the Pequots of Connecticut. … The length and sophisticated nature of the film makes it most suitable for advanced high school students” – School Library Journal
Further Reading
Visit the film's official website: www.pequotwar.comTrailer
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