Price: $310.00 Code: 2386 |
Directed by Ruby Yang
Produced by Thomas Lennon
2010, 39 minutes
Purchase: $310 | Classroom Rental: $125
*2011 Academy Award nominee*
From the Academy Award-winning filmmakers of The Blood of Yingzhou District and Tongzhi in Love , the third film in a trilogy about the changing face of China, The Warriors of Quigang brings to light the increasing involvement of ordinary Chinese citizens with environmental causes and the beginnings of an environmental movement.
According to a recent report published by the World Bank, 20 of the 30 most polluted cities in the world are in China. The country's poor environmental record has triggered international alarm and condemnation. But only recently, has it also generated protests and activism at home.
The Warriors of Quigang focuses on a small village in Anhui province whose environment had been devastated by a local chemical company. Led by Zhang Gongli, a lifelong farmer, the villagers waged a tireless campaign against the company. It was a struggle that lasted more than three years and pitted them against well-connected businessmen and corrupt government officials. But their resilience and determination eventually paid off when the company agreed to close the three plants it maintained in the area. Their incredible story and victory caught not only the attention of the media, but of the national government in Beijing.
As director Ruby Yang notes, "The environmental movement in China needs more leaders and role models like Zhang. There are thousands of villages like Zhang's in China. Villagers are often poor and lack education, and are fearful of standing up to authority. But if they can see that the "first one" has already stood up, maybe more will do the same, turning themselves into environmental advocates and leaders, working to stop environmental destruction on the ground."
* Winner, Best Short Documentary, Newport Beach Film Festival, 2011
* Environmental Film Festival, Washington DC
* Environmental Film Festival at Yale
“Powerful. A visually inventive and eloquent film.” - LA Times
“The best of the five [Oscar nominated] documentary short subjects is The Warriors of Qiugang. Director Ruby Yang and writer Thomas Lennon have produced a documentary that follows this David-and-Goliath battle succinctly and with journalistic integrity.” - Filmmaker Magazine
“The Warriors of Qiugang is highly recommended to those interested in changes to Chinese society and governance, as well as to those interested in our global environment. Sensitive filmmakers like Lennon and Yang do enormous good bringing the plight of victims of pollution and corrupt politics to the attention of those in and outside China.” - Educational Media Reviews Online
""The Warriors of Quigang is a tale of success for one small village against corporate irresponsibility. As such, it is a fine and important film. But it also makes us wonder how many more villages—and cities—are affected by such industrial and political indifference and how much damage has already been done that will take years to resolve, if ever. Suitable for college courses in cultural anthropology, anthropology of development, anthropology of social movements/resistance, and Chinese studies, as well as general audiences."" - Anthropology Review Database
"" Advanced placement environmental science and more mature social studies students could find this DVD interesting and instructive, and it could lead to deep and interesting discussions. Topics could center around how much courage it takes to speak out in a totalitarian society, how apathetic local rule and corrupt, indifferent local politicians can lead to abuse of regulations, and especially how one courageous person can really make a difference. More advanced students could further research what has happened to this village in such a real–world environmental situation and could compare situations in China to similar situations in our own backyard."" - National Science Teachers Association
" Warriors of Qiugang tells a compelling story of pollution and its impact on ‘ordinary’ Chinese farmers and their lives, and provides a great basis for classroom conversations about civil society, Chinese politics and culture, and environmental justice… University and secondary school students will find Warriors of Qiugang interesting to watch as it brings them into the village, where farmers full of personality and good humor talk informally in the courtyards and inner rooms of their homes…Excellent graphics convey historical scenes and scenes of protest where filmmakers were not present…will be a welcome addition to an environmental studies curriculum that often leaves teachers struggling not to leave their students discouraged.” – Judith Shapiro, Director - Dual Degree in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development , School of International Service , American University. Asian Educational Media Service
"A stark and powerful 39-minute documentary…offers an excellent introduction to some of China’s gravest issues, one that would be extremely helpful to students of modern China.” - Middle Ground Journal
Produced by Thomas Lennon
2010, 39 minutes
Purchase: $310 | Classroom Rental: $125
*2011 Academy Award nominee*
From the Academy Award-winning filmmakers of The Blood of Yingzhou District and Tongzhi in Love , the third film in a trilogy about the changing face of China, The Warriors of Quigang brings to light the increasing involvement of ordinary Chinese citizens with environmental causes and the beginnings of an environmental movement.
According to a recent report published by the World Bank, 20 of the 30 most polluted cities in the world are in China. The country's poor environmental record has triggered international alarm and condemnation. But only recently, has it also generated protests and activism at home.
The Warriors of Quigang focuses on a small village in Anhui province whose environment had been devastated by a local chemical company. Led by Zhang Gongli, a lifelong farmer, the villagers waged a tireless campaign against the company. It was a struggle that lasted more than three years and pitted them against well-connected businessmen and corrupt government officials. But their resilience and determination eventually paid off when the company agreed to close the three plants it maintained in the area. Their incredible story and victory caught not only the attention of the media, but of the national government in Beijing.
As director Ruby Yang notes, "The environmental movement in China needs more leaders and role models like Zhang. There are thousands of villages like Zhang's in China. Villagers are often poor and lack education, and are fearful of standing up to authority. But if they can see that the "first one" has already stood up, maybe more will do the same, turning themselves into environmental advocates and leaders, working to stop environmental destruction on the ground."
Subjects & Collections
Psychology & Psychiatry Health Environmental Studies Asian Studies Academy Award Winners & Nominees 2011 Criminal & Law Directed by Women
Festivals & Awards
* Academy Award nominee, Best Documentary Short Subject, 2011* Winner, Best Short Documentary, Newport Beach Film Festival, 2011
* Environmental Film Festival, Washington DC
* Environmental Film Festival at Yale
“[Director] Ruby Yang, who spent three years making The Warriors of Qiugang, blends interviews, verité observation and a few animated reconstructions to bring the gravity and density of ground-level social upheaval into unsparing and fascinating focus.” - A.O. Scott, The New York Times“Powerful. A visually inventive and eloquent film.” - LA Times
“The best of the five [Oscar nominated] documentary short subjects is The Warriors of Qiugang. Director Ruby Yang and writer Thomas Lennon have produced a documentary that follows this David-and-Goliath battle succinctly and with journalistic integrity.” - Filmmaker Magazine
“The Warriors of Qiugang is highly recommended to those interested in changes to Chinese society and governance, as well as to those interested in our global environment. Sensitive filmmakers like Lennon and Yang do enormous good bringing the plight of victims of pollution and corrupt politics to the attention of those in and outside China.” - Educational Media Reviews Online
""The Warriors of Quigang is a tale of success for one small village against corporate irresponsibility. As such, it is a fine and important film. But it also makes us wonder how many more villages—and cities—are affected by such industrial and political indifference and how much damage has already been done that will take years to resolve, if ever. Suitable for college courses in cultural anthropology, anthropology of development, anthropology of social movements/resistance, and Chinese studies, as well as general audiences."" - Anthropology Review Database
"" Advanced placement environmental science and more mature social studies students could find this DVD interesting and instructive, and it could lead to deep and interesting discussions. Topics could center around how much courage it takes to speak out in a totalitarian society, how apathetic local rule and corrupt, indifferent local politicians can lead to abuse of regulations, and especially how one courageous person can really make a difference. More advanced students could further research what has happened to this village in such a real–world environmental situation and could compare situations in China to similar situations in our own backyard."" - National Science Teachers Association
" Warriors of Qiugang tells a compelling story of pollution and its impact on ‘ordinary’ Chinese farmers and their lives, and provides a great basis for classroom conversations about civil society, Chinese politics and culture, and environmental justice… University and secondary school students will find Warriors of Qiugang interesting to watch as it brings them into the village, where farmers full of personality and good humor talk informally in the courtyards and inner rooms of their homes…Excellent graphics convey historical scenes and scenes of protest where filmmakers were not present…will be a welcome addition to an environmental studies curriculum that often leaves teachers struggling not to leave their students discouraged.” – Judith Shapiro, Director - Dual Degree in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development , School of International Service , American University. Asian Educational Media Service
"A stark and powerful 39-minute documentary…offers an excellent introduction to some of China’s gravest issues, one that would be extremely helpful to students of modern China.” - Middle Ground Journal