OWNED: A TALE OF TWO AMERICAS2018 Sociology American History Urban Studies Cultural Studies African-American Studies 2019
Owned: A Tale of Two Americas is a fever dream vision into the dark history behind the US housing economy. Tracking its overtly racist beginnings to its unbridled commoditization, the film exposes a foundational story few Americans understand as their own.
HALE COUNTY THIS MORNING, THIS EVENING2018 African-American Studies American Studies Cinema Studies Media Studies Academy Award Winners & Nominees 2019
2019 ACADEMY AWARDŽ Nominee for Best Documentary Feature. Composed of intimate and unencumbered moments of people in a community, HALE COUNTY THIS MORNING, THIS EVENING allows the viewer an emotive impression of the Historic South - trumpeting the beauty of life and consequences of the social construction of race, while simultaneously a testament to dreaming - despite the odds.