Price: $310.00 Code: 1712 |
Directed by Glenn Gebhard
1994-98, four videos of 30 minutes each
Purchase: $310 for all three episodes Classroom Rental: $150
This four-part series examines changes in Cuban society during the post-Soviet economic crisis between 1994-98.
EPISODE ONE, "A VIEW FROM HAVANA," examines the ideals of the Cuban revolution and the reality of modern Cuba, the disintegration of the country's infrastructure, the health care system, American dollars in a peso economy, and the "haves" and "have nots" in a previously egalitarian society.
EPISODE TWO, " A VIEW FROM HAVANA AND THE BAY OF PIGS," deals with the American embargo, the average Cuban's effort to obtain U.S. dollars, and reminiscences of the U.S.-supported assault at the Bay of Pigs.
EPISODE THREE, "THE ROOTS OF THE REVOLUTION," visits historic sites of the 1956- 59 revolution, explores attitudes of the Cuban peasantry during the revolution and today, the mythology of the revolution, and the future of U.S.-Cuban relations.
"HAVANA 2000" deals with post-Elian Cuba, including the clash of African and Western religion and the State, new non-American investors flooding into Havana, the remnants of the Helms- Burton Act, and the rocky road to Cuba-U.S. rapprochement.
1994-98, four videos of 30 minutes each
Purchase: $310 for all three episodes Classroom Rental: $150
This four-part series examines changes in Cuban society during the post-Soviet economic crisis between 1994-98.
EPISODE ONE, "A VIEW FROM HAVANA," examines the ideals of the Cuban revolution and the reality of modern Cuba, the disintegration of the country's infrastructure, the health care system, American dollars in a peso economy, and the "haves" and "have nots" in a previously egalitarian society.
EPISODE TWO, " A VIEW FROM HAVANA AND THE BAY OF PIGS," deals with the American embargo, the average Cuban's effort to obtain U.S. dollars, and reminiscences of the U.S.-supported assault at the Bay of Pigs.
EPISODE THREE, "THE ROOTS OF THE REVOLUTION," visits historic sites of the 1956- 59 revolution, explores attitudes of the Cuban peasantry during the revolution and today, the mythology of the revolution, and the future of U.S.-Cuban relations.
"HAVANA 2000" deals with post-Elian Cuba, including the clash of African and Western religion and the State, new non-American investors flooding into Havana, the remnants of the Helms- Burton Act, and the rocky road to Cuba-U.S. rapprochement.
Subjects & Collections
Spanish Language Sociology Religion & Spirituality Political Science Latin-American Studies Cultural Studies Cuban Studies