Price: $310.00

    Code: 2140

    Directed By: Michael Atwood
    2004, 59 mins
    Purchase: $310 Classroom Rental: $125

    How does an American Indian tribe preserve its heritage while functioning in modern America ? Long Journey Home tells the story of "walking in two worlds" through the family of Dee Ketchum, tribal chief of the Delaware Indians from 1998 through 2002. With humor and poignancy, the family transmits Delaware traditions to the Ketchum's grandchildren. Known as a "Grandfather Tribe" among other American Indian tribes, the Delaware Indians occupy a special place in American history. They were among the first Indians to make contact and coexist with white settlers. Although known for their skills as mediators, the Lenape faced a series of forced migrations that ultimately led this tribe to its current home in Bartlesville , Oklahoma . Long Journey Home blends pivotal events from the tribe's past with current efforts to sustain its culture through family and community activities.

    Subjects & Collections


    "Four generations tell us their own impression of what it means to be a Lenape in the modern world giving this video an appeal to a very broad age range of viewers." - Educational Media Review Online