Directed by Women
This docudrama offers an intriguing analysis of the ideological and social implications of
the anti-feminist women's movement. Following the assassination of Clovis Kingsley, a
powerful pro-family anti-feminist right wing ideologue, a TV news reporter investigates
Kingsley's life and career.
LA OPERACIONHealth Latin-American Studies Latino Studies Spanish Language Sociology Women's Studies Directed by Women
Puerto Rico has the highest incidence of female sterilization
in the world. Over one-third of all Puerto Rican women of
childbearing age have been sterilized. So common is the
operation that it is simply known as ‘la operacion.'
Using newsreels and excerpts from government propaganda
films, plus interviews with Puerto Rican women, doctors,
birth control specialists and politicians, this film
explores the controversial use of sterilization as a means
of population control.
ABORTION: STORIES FROM NORTH AND SOUTHAsian Studies Health Irish Studies Latino Studies Political Science Psychology & Psychiatry Sociology Women's Studies Directed by Women
Each year, an estimated 30 to 55 million women throughout the world obtain induced
abortions. More than half of these abortions are illegal and an estimated 84,000 of them
result in death. This cross-cultural survey shows how abortion transcends race, religion
and social class, and how differences in the practice and perception of abortion are mainly
in the degree of secrecy and danger accompanying it.
LIVING FORWARD, LOOKING BACKCriminal & Law Health Psychology & Psychiatry Sociology Women's Studies Directed by Women
Interweaves the stories of six women who were profoundly affected by the choices
available to them prior to the legalization of abortion. The influence of family, friends, and
the prevailing sexual mores of the period are explored through each woman's discussion of
her pregnancy and sense of choice.
LUISA CAPETILLO: A PASSION FOR JUSTICELatin-American Studies Latino Studies Media Studies Puerto Rican Studies Spanish Language Women's Studies Directed by Women
Dramatizes the life and work of Luisa Capetillo (1879-1922), a Puerto Rican journalist,
writer, suffragist, and labor organizer.
THE FLAPPER STORYAmerican Studies American History Sociology Women's Studies Directed by Women
Offers a lively mixture of contemporary interviews and archival film footage in a
thoughtful examination of the social phenomenon of the `flapper,' the provocative `New
Woman' of America's Roaring '20s.
LAURA CLAY: VOICE OF CHANGEAmerican Studies Women's Studies Directed by Women
A biographical profile of Laura Clay (1849-1941), a key figure in the Women's Rights
Movement who devoted her life to the struggle for equal educational opportunities, child
custody rights, equal pay for equal work, and the right to vote.
SULLIVAN'S LAST CALLHuman Sexuality Short Films Directed by Women
This short film offers an intimate peek into the sexual and psychological underpinnings of
a modern relationship. Late one evening two former lovers reunite, but when the man
declares he is celibate, sparks fly and the woman sets out to prove him wrong. Without
profanity or nudity, this sexy film noir explores the emotional complexities of getting too
close for comfort.
COUNTERCLOCKWISEShort Films Women's Studies Directed by Women
This short drama describes the twenty-year friendship of four lively but vastly different
women who gather for a three-day reunion after having drifted apart over the years.
MOTORCYCLE DIARIESSociology Women's Studies Directed by Women
Examines the increasing participation of women in motorcycle riding, whether as hobby
or profession. Produced by two women motorcyclists, the video interviews women
involved in both amateur and professional motorcycle sports-including drag, sidecar and
road racing, hill climbing, motocross competition, and trials riding-as well as motorcycle
RAISING FACE: A MENSTRUAL JOURNEYChildren & Young Adult Sociology Health Women's Studies Directed by Women
Features intimate discussions among women, as well as a class of fourth and fifth grade
girls, about their menstruation experiences and their difficulties in talking about their
BIRTH STORIESPsychology & Psychiatry Health Women's Studies Medicine Directed by Women
This series of funny and frank interviews, in which women tell their personal stories of
pregnancy and birth, is intercut with black and white footage of actual births.
BETWEEN USPsychology & Psychiatry Health Women's Studies Directed by Women
This video, conceived and produced by breast cancer survivors, will serve as an emotional
first-aid kit for newly diagnosed breast cancer patients during the frightening time period
immediately following diagnosis. The women interviewed provide a range of emotional
reactions and ideas for coping with the trauma and treatment from the perspective of
long-term survivors.
BREAST CANCER: LET'S GET PERSONALPsychology & Psychiatry Health Women's Studies Directed by Women
Examines the risk factors of this widespread and deadly disease, explains breast anatomy
and cancer symptoms, interviews women whose lives have been affected by it and
doctors involved in treating it, and also demonstrates breast self-examination techniques
and their importance in early detection.
Through interviews with people whose mothers died due to complications from abortion
before its legalization, this video examines the tragedy of deaths from illegal abortions and
the trauma of losing a mother at a young age.
I WITNESS: shot down in pensacolaAmerican Studies Health Religion & Spirituality Sociology Terrorism Studies Women's Studies Directed by Women
Portrays religious terrorism in Pensacola, Florida, which has become the epicenter of the
national debate over abortion, including a 1984 clinic bombing, the 1993 murder of a clinic
physician, and the 1994 murder of another clinic physician and his escort.
MISGUIDANCEChildren & Young Adult Women's Studies Sociology Health Directed by Women
This video, focusing on the experience of a frightened teenager, exposes the deceptive
practices of so-called "Crisis Pregnancy Centers," which advertise themselves as
women's health clinics, but which are actually staffed by anti-abortion volunteers who
use misinformation and scare tactics to dissuade women from having abortions.
IN BAD FAITHCriminal & Law Health Sociology Women's Studies Directed by Women
This video exposes the deceptive activities of so-called "Crisis Pregnancy Centers,"
which advertise themselves as women's health clinics. These Centers are not staffed by
medical personnel but by trained anti-abortion volunteers who use misinformation and
scare tactics to dissuade women from having abortions.
SEE ME: FIVE YOUNG LATINASAmerican Studies Education Latino Studies Sociology Women's Studies Directed by Women Immigration
Five teen-aged Latinas living in San Francisco's Mission District-most of them recent
immigrants from Mexico or other Central American countries-talk frankly about their
lives, from discrimination and school , to friends and family relationships, experiences
with gang activity and violence, and plans for the future. Their comments are blended
with footage of neighborhood life and other activities to provide meaningful insights into
the everyday lives of young Hispanic women in the U.S. today.
STILETTOHealth Sociology Women's Studies Directed by Women
This video examines the high-heeled pump and why so many women continue, despite
the physical discomfort and damage, to wear these outrageous shoes.