Directed by Women
TALK TO ME: AMERICANS IN CONVERSATIONAmerican Studies Cultural Studies Sociology Directed by Women Immigration
This provocative documentary, blending interviews with archival footage, examines the
nature of shared national identity and what it means to be an American today.
MINOR ALTERCATION, AAfrican-American Studies American Studies Sociology Directed by Women
Dramatizes a real-life incident involving a fight between two high school girls--one white,
one black-and then traces in parallel fashion the response of the two families to the
incident, revealing the real feelings underlying racial tensions as well as the existence of
common interests.
GANDY DANCERSAfrican-American Studies American Studies Labor Studies Music Sociology Directed by Women
Features the musical traditions and verbal recollections of eight retired African-American
railroad track laborers, whose occupational folk songs were once heard along the railroad
lines that crisscross the South.
ALL GOD'S CHILDRENAfrican-American Studies American Studies LGBTQ Religion & Spirituality Sociology Directed by Women
Shows how the Black Church has embraced African-American lesbians and gay men as
dedicated members of its spiritual family.
BLACK UNICORN: DUDLEY RANDALL AND THE BROADSIDE PRESS, THEAfrican-American Studies Literature Directed by Women
Chronicles the life and literary career of a major black American poet, Dudley Randall,
who has published six books of poetry and edited several anthologies of black poetry.
UPON THE SHOULDERS OF OUR ANCESTORSAfrican-American Studies Cultural Studies Directed by Women
Examines the aspects of culture and heritage that African
Americans have brought into the new millennium.
NEPAL AT RISKAsian Studies Environmental Studies Directed by Women
Examines environmental problems in Nepal, one of the poorest countries in the world,
where population growth, inequality of resources, and increasing tourism have combined
to threaten environmental disaster for the Himalayan kingdom once touted as "Shangri-
BINGO: YOU BETCHA!American Studies Sociology Directed by Women
Examines the American subculture of bingo, a game played by some 35,000,000
Americans each week and which has become a big business generating an annual gross of
$35 billion for the charities and religious organizations which operate the games.
THE INTUITIVE FACTOR: GENIUS OR CHANCE?Sociology Psychology & Psychiatry Directed by Women
Examines the psychology of intuition-that sudden insight into the truth or facts of a
situation-showing how intuition figures in our everyday lives, from our dreams and
family relations to business decisions.
SPINNING OUTHealth Psychology & Psychiatry Sociology Directed by Women
Examines one of the most misunderstood mental illnesses, schizophrenia, and attempts to
dispel the widespread misconceptions, fears and myths about it.
IN THE HOUSEHealth Psychology & Psychiatry Sociology Short Films Directed by Women
This short video features three autobiographical stories written and performed by
teenagers in a children's psychiatric hospital.
PAUL JACOBS AND THE NUCLEAR GANGAmerican Studies Death & Dying Health Media Studies Political Science Directed by Women
Profiles the journalist and political activist who exposed the U.S. government's cover-up
of the health hazards from low-level radiation, chronicling this scandal from atomic fallout
contamination of soldiers during early tests in the Fifties and Sixties to problems facing
nuclear industry workers today.
CANCER WAR, THEHealth Directed by Women Pacific Street Films
This provocative documentary questions whether we are really winning the war on
cancer, as the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society would have us
SUDDEN CHANGES: POST HYSTERECTOMY SYNDROMEHealth Human Sexuality Sociology Women's Studies Directed by Women
Examines the reasons for the high number of hysterectomies performed on women every
year, the alternatives available, the side effects and after-effects. Includes interviews with
doctors, other professionals, and women who have undergone the operation.
ECSTASY UNLIMITEDHuman Sexuality Sociology Directed by Women
Examines the influence of the social and economic environment on sexuality, using an
imaginative blend of situation comedy, documentary, songs, animation and narration.
FRESH TALKLGBTQ Education Human Sexuality Sociology Directed by Women
Features thirty young men and women, ages 15 to 24, who share their
thought-provoking, humorous and sometimes painful reflections on sexuality and growing
WEIRDED OUT AND BLOWN AWAYDisabilities Sociology Directed by Women
Featuring interviews with five young career people who have disabilities, this film questions the general public's attitudes toward physical disability and our perceptions of the disabled as somehow either weaker or more courageous than the non-disabled.
CAN'T HEAR YOU KNOCKINGDisabilities Health Music Directed by Women
Examines the dangers of hearing loss from listening to or performing loud music, featuring
interviews with American and European rock musicians as well as rock music fans, sound
engineers and audiologists.
COME FEEL THE WINDShort Films Death & Dying Psychology & Psychiatry Children & Young Adult Directed by Women
This short drama tells the story of Clara, a young girl who must learn to cope with
painful emotions following the untimely death of her father.
AIDS IN THE BARRIOShort Films American Studies Aging / Gerontology AIDS Health Latino Studies Sociology Directed by Women
Examines the impact of AIDS within Hispanic-American communities, focusing on the
specific economic, social and cultural factors which influence perception of the AIDS
crisis, including macho attitudes about sexuality, traditional relations between men and
women, prejudices against homosexuality, and the prevalence of drug abuse.